Campus Life


The Skeleton Post-Grid template is included with the theme & there are lots of built-in options included to customize this including: Post Categories to Show, Filter Buttons (On/Off), How Many Columns, Grid Mode (Masonry/FitRows), Original Image Aspect Ratio (On/Off), Max Thumbnail Width, Max Thumbnail Height, Lightbox, Post Information, Post Title, Post Excerpt, Post Category, Post Links, Portfolio Hover, Hover Start, Hover End, Number of Posts Per Page, Page Layout (none, one or dual sidebars), Page Title, Page Breadcrumbs.

Because this a page template, you can build as many of these pages as you would like. Here are a couple quick examples to give you an idea: Campus Life: 4 Columns, Masonry | Campus Life: 8 Columns, Crop Images | Campus Life: 2 Columns, No Buttons
